Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Ronald Kurniawan

Gravity defying hot(cold?)air-balloon style cone. Masterfully rendered by Ronald Kurniawan.

Adventure Time!

Dr. Ice Cream from Cartoon Network's delightful program Adventure Time.

Memi the Rainbow

Beautiful hand-crafted stamp by Memi the Rainbow!

Boxing Bubblefriends

Check out this boxing Ice Cream Person by Bubblefriends, He'll "knock you out cold!"

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Max Lehman

Found this beautiful ceramic piece at the Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport, in Arizona. It was crafted by the super-talented Max Lehman!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Ice Cream Sundae Birthday!

Google says that today is the 119th birthday of the ice cream sundae! Congratulations on your long rich history ice cream sundae people. The mountain above was illustrated by Sutoroberi-tea!